Wednesday, October 10, 2007


How scary is it that I'm going to be a teacher?!
The PGCE seems to be going well, although I haven't actually done any teaching yet so that might change! It is a lot of work but at the minute it's manageable and I'm enjoying it which always helps. I've been placed in a really nice school, with a great mentor who has helped me loads. I'm nervous about having to get up in front of a class but part of me can't wait to just get that first lesson over and done with! If you're in the habit of talking to God, I would appreciate a bit of prayer for my lesson tomorrow in which I have to do a vocab test with my Year 9s. Not the most awful thing in the world to do but this will be the first time I'm up at the front of their classroom so a bit of prayer wouldn't go amiss. (it's at about 1.20) Next week I have to teach a full lesson to my Year 10 class - it'll be a revision lesson (also at 1.20) so please pray that I'll prepare properly for them ,but that I won't spend every waking moment thinking about it! Not that I'm likely too, but just incase!

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