Thursday, May 24, 2007


So, it's that time of year again, the time that every student dreads, this one being no exception. But I've had a couple of reminders today that I'm not going through these exams alone, that even when I sit for 3 hours, staring at a couple of sheets of paper, trying to commit the funny shapes and squiggles to memory, and feeling like I'll never manage it in time, it's ok because God's already seen the paper, He's seen my results, He's planned my future...oh yeah, and He created this system that we call mathematics. If you're so inclined, a little prayer would be great. Here are the dates of my exams:

Maths: Fri 25th May, 2pm
German: Monday 4th June, 9.30am
Maths: Thursday 7th June, 9.30am.

Thanks :)

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