Monday, April 30, 2007


Just back to uni after the Easter holidays and am feeling surprisingly well rested. We went to the mountains for a few days to relax and it was beautiful. Here's the view from our road:

Back in the city I spent lots of time with church friends, namely William and Paul, and also Richard and Deborah. Most of our evening together were spent playing Uno Extreme (culminating in Ultimate Uno Extreme, where you deal pretty much half the pack) and it was so much fun.

Over Easter I went to Edinburgh for Chris and Mairi's wedding. These are two of our uni friends, and it was an absolutely wonderful day. We were so pleased to see them get married, but it was kinda weird too! We spent the day, from the moment Mairi started to walk down the aisle until the ceilidh ended in the evening, going "awwh", "that's so lovely" "they look beautiful", "I'm so happy" and other such sentiments. It was great having so many uni friends all together, especially ones who have moved away from Newcastle :)

We had the chance to do a bit of sightseeing around Edinburgh the following day but due to the late night ceilidh dancing we spent most of the afternoon in a coffee shop!

Back at home and work began on my dissertation , a draft of which I had to get to my supervisor before going back to Newcastle. Thanks to Amazon for finally sending my books and to mum for allowing me to talk it all out with her - I think by this stage she could probably write it for me! It got written (eventually) and I'm waiting for word of how it has been received.

So I'm back in Newcastle and it has taken me the longest time to settle back in which hasn't happened in a long time. But then I went to church yesterday and now I feel much better. When I go to church here I feel like I'm coming home, which is a strange feeling in Newcastle, but a welcome one. I was taking Young Church, which is like Sunday School during the service. I work with the 11-14s and yesterday we were learning about the things that we do that keep us from coming to God, and how Jesus has broken down all the barriers between us and him. It was really cool and fun, and I really enjoyed being reminded of the lesson too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You thinking of buying a kilt or something? I think you should!

And seriously, i have 15th June pencilled into my diary for a rematch of Ultimate Uno Extreme!!